Burial Chamber of Shaeed-e-Rabay at Panja Sharif in Delhi
“No Sunnah is better than
research”. Imamis of Indian sub-continent seems to have forgotten this
significant saying of Maula Ali. The blogger is constrained to derive such a
conclusion in the wake of very little research being carried out to trace the
unpublished works of great Imami scholars. The publication of such works needs
immediate attention, for anti Ahle-Bait (Prophet and his progeny) forces are
flooding the web and book stores to prove Imami faith and practices as
Un-Islamic. In response to their campaign to portray the followers of Ahle-Bait
as apostate and heretic through a series of books based on unreliable and
fabricated sources, Majalis are being used as a powerful weapon. But little
attention is being paid to refute false propaganda against Imamis in writing.
It is indeed an ironical situation. There is not dearth of material as great
Imami scholars have been writing refutations since early 19th
century. Only a strong will is required to trace them, translate them into
contemporary languages and publish them. This is possible only through a team
of dedicated researchers who also needs to be provided with adequate resources.
Unfortunately, this appears to be at the bottom of the priority list of Imamis
and their leaders. The indifference is slowly but surely destroying the vast
treasure left by the defenders of Imami faith like Shaheed-e-Rabay Mirza
Muhammad Kamil Dehalvi (Fourth Martyr) and many others. Nawab of Jhajjhar had
him poisoned to death for writing ‘Nuzhat-e-Isna Ashariya’ as a complete response to Shah Abdul Aziz’s ‘Tauhfa Ithna Ashari’. Aziz (1744-1824) had opposed and criticized severely Imami faith and
their Azadari rituals in his work.
An idea about the
destruction of Imami heritage in writing can be estimated from the statistics
available with the blogger from different sources. Imami scholars of Kashmir alone had written 3000
books on Ahle-Bait but only 3 per cent of them now survive. The loss has been
mentioned in the book titled “Danish Nameh Shiayan Kashmir” by Syed Kashmiri. Likewise
renowned Kashmiri scholar Syed Ali Azhar Naqvi Khojavi (1861-1933 A.D.)
and his worthy sons a Syed Ali Haider and Syed Mohammed had authored 150 books against
anti-Ahle-Bait allegations but only a few of them are traceable today.
other Imami scholars also wrote about 10 refutations individually for the book
“Ayat Bayanat” of Syed Mahdi Bahadur who had challenged the philosophy of
Ahle-Bait. None of these refutations are presently available while ‘Ayat
Bayanat’ has been published several times and the process is still on. Another important
refutations of the book “Ayat Muhkamat- dar- Jawab Ayat Bayanat” by Syed Amir
Hussain has also been published once
only. Administrator Subhan Ali Khan(1264 A.H.),who had risen to the
position of deputy Prime Minister of Awadh Kingdom was also a great scholar. He wrote
over 20 books in defense of Imami faith against the works of anti-Ahle-Bait
authors. One of them ‘Al-Wajizah- fi- Usule- Deen” was a brief and to the point
refutation of Shah Abdul Aziz’s work. This book is also no longer available. Even
descendants of Subhan Khan had no idea about his books. It is believed that about
fifty seven refutations were written against Abdul Aziz Dehlavi’s book but
majority of them have
not been printed till date. Other refutations published as books such as
“Abaqat ul- Anwar”, “Tashid ul-matain”, “Jawahiru Abqariah”, “Burhan
us-Sa’adah”, “Sawarim Ilahiyat”, “Saife Nasiri” and many more are also not
Dildar Ali Nasserabadi ‘ Ghufran Mab’(1235 A.H.) and his descendants such
as Sultan ul-Ulema Syed Mohammed, Syed ul-Ulema Syed Hussain, Taj
ul-Ulema Syed Ali Mohammed, Mumtaz ul-Ulema Syed Mohammed Taqi, Malaz ul-Ulema
Syed Abul Hassan, Syed ul-Ulema Syed Ali Naqi and other great scholars
wrote about two thousand books to
protect Imami faith but only some of them have seen publication while their unpublished
counterparts are lying in libraries. Grand Ayatollah Mufti Syed Mohammed Abbas
Musavi Jazairi(1306 A.H.), teacher of Mir Syed Hamid Musavi, had authored more than 300 books on Jurisprudence,
Theology, Tafsir and history. Of these, only 2 books “Shulah Jawalah” and
“Awraq al-Zahb” were published a few years back with others remaining unpublished.
The above
examples highlight an immediate initiative to trace and publish works that were
written against the allegations made by Shah Abdul Aziz Dehalvi and blind
followers of his school of thought. Aziz
Dehlavi’s Persian book from the time its first publication in 1204 A.H. till has
been translated into various languages and published in Urdu and Arabic on
numerous occasions in India, Pakistan and Iraq. As Aziz’s work serves as a base
for anti-Imami feelings, its constant refutation is essential. Lovers of
Ahle-bait and their leaders must pay attention to writing after extensive
research appeal as was the case even during colonial India. The performance of
Imamis, their leaders and institutions has so far been not much encouraging. The
scenario requires immediate change or else anti-Karbala forces will ‘flourish’ as
a potential threat to humanity. They should follow Maula’s saying earnestly to
keep 'Hussaini Philosophy' alive till the Day of Judgement. (References available
on request.Photo Courtesy Google Image).
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