Saturday, 19 December 2015

Why Prophet Muhammad Said "I am from Hussain?

Dr.Mirza Shafeeq Hussain Shafaq addressing Majlis-e-Aza
Dr. Mazhar Naqvi
Eminent scholar and orator Dr. Mirza Shafeeq Hussain Shafaq on December 18, 2015 left hundreds of mourners spell bound with his explanation of Prophet Muhammad’s famous Hadees ““Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain”. He said that the first part of the Hadees is quite understandable as Imam Hussain was grandson of the prophet but why the messenger of Allah said “I am from Hussain” needs to be examined and analyzed constantly in view of its relevance till the Day of Judgment. Dr.Shafaq was addressing a Majlis-e-Aza organized at Mehdi hall in Kanpur ‘Barai’(for) Isaal-e-Sawab of former President of Kanpur Press Club and prominent journalist Marhoom Saeedual Hasan Naqvi. He quoted famous incidents of ‘Rahib and angel ‘Fitrus’ to explain the second part of Hadees. Dr. Shafaq discussed at length the meaning of Rahib and status of Fitrus to elaborate his view point. He said in both the cases Imam Hussain exemplified his closeness to Allah and his messenger by blessing Rahib with children and Fitrus with liberation from Almighty’s curse even though they were not destined for the same. He could do so in view of the role he was likely to play as savior of Islam at Karbala in future.
Dr. Shafaq proved what happened at Karbala provides the answer to the question as to what holy Prophet meant by “ I am from Hussain”. The Prophet through the saying conveyed to the world that he would live through Hussain and if he was alive then he would have done exactly what Hussain did to save Islam. If Imam had not taken a firm stand against Yazid, Islam would have been hijacked by the latter. Yazid would have been able to float a fake Islam based on the principles of a drunkard and morally laxed caliph. With his sacrifice, Imam revived Allah’s religion revealed through holy Prophet and exposed forever the difference between the Haq and batil. “Karbala is not just a tragic event in the history of mankind. It guards against distortion of Islam’s most fundamental purpose, aim and message. Imam sacrificed everything he had to send a loud and clear message that no tyranny in any shape even when disguised in the form of virtue is unacceptable. There is a direct one to one relationship of every human to his Creator and no one is allowed to stand in between.”
Dr. Shafaq urged the Muslims to recall the words of Imam in reply to the demand for allegiance. He had said, ‘O’ People, The Prophet of Islam has said that if a believer sees a tyrannical ruler transgressing against Allah and his Messenger and oppressing people, but does nothing by word or action to change the situation, then it will be just for God to place him where he deservingly belongs. Do you not see to what low level the affairs have come to.., do you not observe that truth has not adhered and falsehood has no limits. And as for me, I look upon death but a means of attaining martyrdom. I consider life among the transgressors an agony and an affliction”. He did  at Karbala exactly what he had stated and exhibited to the world as to why Prophet had said “I am from Hussain”. The blessed Prophet had given freedom to everyone and liberated people of Arabia from mental and intellectual slavery before leaving the world. Thereafter, vested interests tried to force the believers to blindly follow regime’s orders out of ignorance and fear. Imam Hussain at Karbala exhibited that the driving force of Islam must be love and loyalty not the fear or lust. He gave freedom to his family and friends, saying “enemy needs my head so why you all should suffer”. He did not force anyone to join him and said “Join me only out of love for Allah and truth. Imam He exemplified the value of human liberty in toughest situation and proved his exalted status in the eyes of Allah forever.
The orator also expressed concern over unpublished literature on Karbala and urged Imamis to direct their energy in this context to preserve work of great poets and scholars  on philosophy of Aza-e-Hussain. After his address, Anjuman Raza-e-Islam performed Nauhakhwani. Janab Asghar Mustafabadi and Hasham Abbas Makanpuri  recited Soz while noted Shair-e-Ahle-Bait Janab Taj Kanpuri performed Peshkhwani on the occasion. Janab Sharad Rizvi compared the Majlis -e-Aza.(Photo Courtesy Google Images)     

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