Friday, 4 December 2015

Save Baqir- Al- Nimr Campaign by Saudis in Arbaeen-2015

Saudi Pilgrims with Posters of Sheikh Nimr at Karbala 

Dr.Mazhar Naqvi

Arbaeen- 2015 will always be remembered for the effort of Saudi pilgrims to attract world attention towards the imminent execution of Sheikh Baqir Nimr. They carried posters and placards demanding immediate release of Sheikh Nimr from Saudi prison while marching towards Karbala. The response to their valiant effort has yet to evoke the desired response from Imamis, Human Right activists and nations against the capital punishment. It is indeed ironical, for Saudi government seems to be too keen to execute the grand cleric.
Sheikh Nimr was sentenced to death by the specialized criminal court on 15 October 2014,He was found guilty of  "seeking 'foreign meddling' in Saudi Arabia, 'disobeying' its rulers and taking up arms against the security forces. Saudi police had also arrested his brother, Mohammad al-Nimr, on the same day for tweeting information about the verdict. In March 2015, the appeal court of Saudi Arabia upheld the death penalty against Sheikh and on October 25, 2015, the Supreme Court also turned down the appeal moved by family of the cleric. As Saudi government can now execute the cleric any time, the world needs to perceive the voice raised by his followers during Arbaeen as a last desperate bid to save Sheikh’s life. The apprehension of Nimr’s admirers about the intention of Saudi government to kill him is not without substance. Amnesty international has viewed the documentary evidence on his sermons and interviews as right to free speech not amounting to  "disobeying the ruler", "inciting sectarian strife" and "encouraging, leading and participating in demonstrations". Commenting on the trial, Amnesty has also pointed out that witnesses did not testify against the cleric in court and his lawyer was not given a fair chance to defend his client. The European Society for human Rights(ESSHR) also stated in its report that the defence lawyer was unable to respond to the charges because he didn't have the details of the list of charges. On 23 December 2013, the lawyer said that his client  was unable to respond to the charges as he didn't  have a pen and paper.

Characteristics Responsible for Death Penalty to Nimr

Nimr shot to fame after he started advocating his views openly. He supports "the idea of elections". Sheikh believes that the Saudi state is "particularly reactionary" and “agitation" is needed to influence state in general and the Saudi state in particular. His views earned him tremendous popularity among the moderate Saudis but invited wrath of the government. The regime found his sermons too ‘intimidating to ignore. A warrant was issued against him in 2009 after he declared in Medina in protest against the filming of Imami women by religious police and declared “Our dignity has been pawned away, and if it is not ... restored, we will call for secession. Our dignity is more precious than the unity of this land”. On 8 July 2012, he was shot in the leg by police and arrested, Nimr was charged with instigating unrest and clashing with police. Thousands of people protested against his arrest but the regime paid no heed. Rather, he was tortured and his family found him with bruises and broken teeth on July 22, 2012.He was denied access to any lawyer when his so called trial began and resulted in death sentence. The verdict evoked strong reaction from different quarters. Amnesty International described the sentence as "part of a campaign by the authorities in Saudi Arabia to crush all dissent, including those defending the rights of the Kingdom's Imami community."
Since then, the fate of Sheikh who studied at Iran for 10 years and has been leading Friday prayers in eastern Province of the kingdom since 2009, has been hanging in balance. Saudi government has completely ignored demands for his release. Though his family is hoping for some positive action from King Salman, the Pro-Wahabi stance and track record of Saudi rulers of supporting anti-Imami terrorist organizations indicate no mercy for Sheikh. His life can only be saved by mobilizing public opinion against his execution all over the world and that is what exactly his followers tried to convey during Arbaeen. The supporters of ‘World without Oppression” should immediately embark upon ‘Save Baqir Nimr’ campaign with full vigor or else he too attain martyrdom for being a carrier of Hussaini legacy. Azadars of Indian sub-continent should take a lead in this context not because of their numeric strength but being the most ardent lovers of Ahle-Bait.(The article is based on the inputs available on Wikipedia, digital newspapers and websites that covered Arbaeen -2015.Photo Courtesy-Google Image).          

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