Monday, 7 December 2015

Love for Ahle-Bait On the Rise in Sri Lanka

Az Zahra Foundation Program on Bibi Fatima 

Dr.Mazhar Naqvi

Thanks to untiring efforts of Az- Zahra Foundation, love for Ahle-Bait-e-Athar is on the rise in Sri Lanka. Without the expected support from Imami nations and organizations, the foundation has been able to promote awareness about Imam Hussain and Karbala in the eastern part of the country. It is indeed a tremendous achievement considering the fact that there was no Imami in Sri Lanka till 1979 but now they can be found in places like Walachil, Calcuda, Kandy and Noorelia.
Sri Lanka witnessed emergence of Imamis after Islamic Revolution under the dynamic leadership of Imam Khomeini in 1979.The revolution renewed the interest of the world in general  and Muslims in particular towards Imami faith. A number of Muslims belonging to   other schools of Islamic thought became followers of Ahle-Bait after conducting research on the life and works of Masoomeen and listening to thought-provoking speeches of Imami scholars based on reasoning.    

It is now believed that Sri Lanka has over 2000 Imamis and their number is swelling due to ongoing efforts of the foundation. Working under the watchful eyes of Zaveeni Sahiba and her husband Janab Haaris Jameel, the foundation has been preaching the message of Imam Hussain among the villagers. Despite stricken with financial constraints and anti-Imami campaigns, foundation holds well-attended monthly programs in Colombo. Its members also speak to individual families in the smaller villages about the Jafri school of thought. The effort has yielded positive results as over 100 families have embraced Imami faith in the recent past.
Being the only Imami outfit of Sri Lanka, the foundation has taken upon itself to propagate the message of Imam Hussain and is striving to replicate what Zakzaky family has done in Nigeria where the number of Panjatan’s followers have crossed millions in three decades. Since its inception, the foundation has been focusing more on educating women about the tenets of Islam shown to the world by Masoomeen. The foundation strongly believes in the old adage “Educate a woman and you educate a generation”.  

After making its presence felt in Eastern Sri Lanka, the foundation has not set its eyes to speak on principles and thoughts of Imami faith in new areas from where they keep receiving invitations to hold meetings and symposiums. The growing influence of the foundation has not been gone unnoticed by the followers of other Islamic schools of thoughts. The outfit has been experiencing a highly funded campaign against it. But it has not deterred the spirit of Zaveeni Sahiba or Jameel Sahib. They are carrying on their mission in the name of Ahle-Bait and confident of success with the blessings of Masoomeen. Imamis of other nations should encourage the foundation in its endeavor immediately as anti-Ahle-Bait forces have started targeting the couple.(References available on request. Photo Courtesy Google Image).    

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