Tuesday, 8 December 2015

New Year Greetings on Muharram is 'Bidat'- Kalbe Jawwad

Maulana Syed Kalbe Jawwad Addressing Majlis-E-Aza

Dr. Mazhar Naqvi

Renowned Imami cleric Maulana Syed Kalbe Jawwad today came down heavily upon those promoting the culture of ‘New Year Greetings’ after sighting of Muharram moon. He challenged the Islamic scholars to prove as to when Holy Prophet or any of his companions ever greeted anyone at the commencement of Islamic New Year. Maulana urged the Muslim religious preachers to refrain from introducing ‘Bidat’(Innovation) like new year greeting.”It has never been part of Islam and a Christian tradition. For the sake of Islam, don’t misguide Muslims to observe ‘ Sunnah’ of westerners” Maulana added while addressing Majlis-e-Chehlum of generous Azadar Syed Nazre Hasan in Kanpur city.

Maulana also minced no words in criticizing anti-Azadari elements. Quoting verses from holy Quran, he reasoned and proved Azadari was neither Un-Islamic nor Bidat. Rather, it was in accordance with holy Quran and  Sunnah of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad. He also rejected the theory being floated by certain ‘Maulvees’ that crying and grieving at the death of someone causes harm to the departed soul. To support his point of view, he proved with the help of a verse in Quran where it has been clearly declared that Almighty never transfers anyone’s sin to someone else. Each person is accountable for his actions then how tears of a living person could be sinful for the soul of a dead human being. The cleric wondered what kind of Islam such Maulvees and their supporters were trying to portray before the world? He revealed to the mourners that the Hadees-e-Rasul’ frequently quoted by religious preachers to discourage Muslims from shedding tears was meant for Jews and this fact was corroborated by his wife Janab-e-Aisha when someone enquired about it from her.

In a sarcastic tone, he said “ going by Bidat’s definition coined by fanatics, over 95 per cent of the total Muslims were involved in un-Islamic activities or innovations. Muslims should not travel by air, train or any other mode of modern transport. They should not use electronic gadgets or any other thing that was not in existence during the time of holy Prophet. As Prophet and his companions used camels for travel, Muslim ‘leaders’ unleashing terror in the name of purifying Islam should also not use any modern equipment even for killing innocent people. Please don’t make Islam a joke by advancing logics on the basis of misinterpretation of Quranic verses and fake traditions or sayings attributed to Holy Prophet by paid historians.

Before his address, eminent poets Taj Kanpuri and Sikandar Sitapuri paid tributes to Nazre Hasan Sahib through a poem composed after his death. Anjuman-e-Jafaria also performed ‘Nauhakhwani’ after Majlis-e-Aza.A large number of devotees attended Majlis even on a working day in view of the great services rendered by Nazre Hasan Sahib in preservation and promotion of Azadari in Kanpur and surrounding areas.(Reference : The blogger himself was present at the Majlis. Photo Courtesy Google Image)          


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