Cover Page of Karbala by Premchand
Dr.Mazhar Naqvi
Time has come for secular forces to ask the
government to make the reading of ‘Karbala’ by Munshi Premchand compulsory
for every Indian. Such a move will be the most apt reply to all those who have
been delivering hate speeches to once again disharmonize India. The predecessors
of these communal elements had vitiated the atmosphere of the country similarly
before independence. Their sinister campaign had destroyed the great harmony
witnessed between Hindus and Muslims in 1857.It was Munshi Premchand who had
then eulogized the tragedy of Karbala as a solution to the strained relations
between the twin communities. He presented Karbala as symbol of true Jihad –
non-violent resistance. Not taking life but sacrificing life for Islam.
The play is not just Premchand’s tribute to
the martyrs of Karbala but also an attempt at reconciliation of declining
Hindu-Muslim relations. His work not only projected Imam Hussain as symbol of
secularism but also universalized Karbala as a symbol of resistance to any oppression.
Regarded as one of India’s greatest writers, Premchand manifested India's homage to Imam
Hussain by showing in his historic play Karbala that a large Indian army was
standing nearby the Camp of Imam. Its soldiers urged him repeatedly to allow
them to fight Yazidi troops but Imam did not accept the offer on the plea that
this would cause more bloodshed.
the introduction of play, Premchand drew parallels between Karbala and
Mahabharat and Ramayan. He even stated that the Hindus, who fought
and sacrificed their lives in the holy war of Karbala, were believed to be the
descendants of Ashvathama. He even lamented ““It is a matter of
shame that even though we have been staying with Muslims for centuries yet we
are unknown to their historical past. And this is the cause of disharmony
between Hindu and Muslims We are not aware of great qualities inherent in great
men belonging to Muslim community. When we think of Muslim king the image of Aurangzeb
only comes but good and bad people are there in every society and this will
continue forever. “ Prem Chand was bred in an
atmosphere that was truly Indo-Islamic. He was grounded in Persian and believed
in composite culture. He was naturally
perturbed when articles published in books such as Islam Ka Vish Vraksh
(poisonous tree) and Andha Aitmad Aur Khufia Jihad started appearing with the
aim of disturb the peaceful co-existence of Hindus and Muslims. Being aware of
the true tenets of Islam, Premchand wrote Karbala and several other articles to
counter baseless accusations of some Hindi writers against Islam, Prophet and participation
of non-Muslims in Muharram ceremonies.
scripted Karbala at a time when he was busy writing Rangbhumi. He wanted Daya Narayan
Nigam, Kanpur-based Editor of Zamana, to publish it in series but the latter
refused on the plea that Imamis may not like the dramatic version. He twice
wrote to Nigam but failed to convince him. One of his letters reveals that he
was fully convinced that name of Imam Hussain would surely reduce the tension
and pacify the situation. Despite refusal by Nigam, he did not lose heart. Premchand
was so obsessed with Karbala’s utility as a solution to the problem of communal
divide that he wanted to publish it on his own despite his economic constraints.
Somehow he managed to get published Karbala but the atmosphere was so vitiated by
1920s that the play failed to attract the attention it deserved. In the process,
however he reserved his place forever as the disseminator of a positive image
of Islam, Prophet Hazrat Muhammad and his progeny. Karbala can easily be
considered as perhaps the most moving tribute to sublime sacrifice of Imam
Hussain and his companions .It is just ironical that efforts have not been
initiated by sensible countrymen to use it as an effective weapon to frustrate
the ugly designs of those once again longing for disturbing the harmony in
Premchand was born on July 31, 1880. His original name
was Dhanpat Rai Srivastava. He
began writing under the pen name "Nawab Rai", but subsequently
switched to "Premchand". A novel writer, story writer and dramatist,
he has been referred to as the "Upanyas Samrat" ("Emperor
among Novelists") by some Hindi writers. His works include more than a
dozen novels, around 250 short stories, several essays and translations of a
number of foreign literary works into Hindi. He breathed his last on October 8,
1936. References available on request)
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