Maharaja Kishan Prasad of Hyderabad-India
Dr.Mazhar Naqvi
Sir Kishan Prasad Bahadur who twice held the position of Prime Minister
of Hyderabad State was a great devotee of Imam Husain. Out of great
respect for Mazloom Imam, he used to place tazias and alams in his house
during Muharram every year. He also retained services of eminent
Marsiyakhwan and Nauhakhwans to perform in the Majlises that he hosted
from 7th to 10th Muharram
with great veneration and reverence. Even the British Resident and
other high ranking officials of Victorian empire were invited to attend
these Majlises.
Deori( Mansion) of Maharaja in Hyderabad
Conferred with the title of ‘Yamin us-Sultanat’, Maharaja Kishan Prasad was born in Hyderabad on January 1, 1864.He belonged to a noble family that traced its roots back to Raja Todar Mal,
the famous finance minister of Mughal emperor, Akbar. His grandfather
Maharaja Chandu Lal had also occupied the coveted post of Prime Minister
of Hyderabad State. Maharaja who had also earned the title of GCIE from the British empire as an acknowledgement of his accomplishments became the Prime Minister in 1901 and continued to serve the state in that capacity till 1912.The seventh and last Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan in
whose installation as the ruler of Hyderabad Maharaja had played a
pivotal role removed him from his post .It was Mir Osman Ali Khan
himself who again appointed him as Prime Minister in 1926.he served with
distinction his second term till 1937.
was not only an ardent lover of Imam Husain but also a champion to the
cause of national integration, communal harmony and education. He was a
man of literary tastes and himself composed poetry with the Takhallus of
Shaad. Maharaja exhibited his secular leanings by marrying three Hindu
and four Muslim wives. He never imposed any religious restrictions on
his wives and children and they were free to follow and adopt the
religion of their choice.
Prime Minister of a state known for its large scale observance of
Muharram, he took keen interest in the affairs of Ashurkhanas patronized
by Nizams. He ensured elaborate security arrangements for processions
like Bibi Ka Alam on 10th Muharram.
As an individual, he patronized greatly Ashurkhana ‘Naal Sahib’. On
Shab-E-Ashur, he always hosted ‘Nazr-O-Niaz’ (offering made by an
inferior to a superior) at a grand scale at Naal Sahib.
is an Arabic word and refers to a metallic piece used to cover nose and
forehead during battles. It is attached to armor cap, known as Khud in
common parlance. It is believed that the Naal of Hazrat Imam Hussain was
broken during his Jihad at Karbala. Every Azadar knows how the greedy
commanders of Yazidi forces had left his dead body after removing his
belongings. Somehow the broken Naal after passing several hands reached
Bijapur during the rule of Yusuf Adil Shah. The precious Naal was sent
to Golconda from Bijapur along with testimonials certifying its
authenticity. The then ruler of Qutub Shahi Kingdom Ibrahim Qutub Shah
received it with reverence and preserved in the shape of Arabic Allah as
a part of an Alam. Gulzar-e-Asafia mentions the shifting of Naal Sahib
after the construction of Hyderabad by Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah to a
palace known as Ilahi Mahal near Char Kaman. The place has not changed
since then and Naal Sahib Alam is installed every year on the first day
of Muharram.
to personal interest of Maharaja Kishan Prasad, the Naal Mubarak
emerged as hallmark of Muharram ceremonies in Hyderabad. The alam
originates in the form of a procession on Shab-E-Ashur. The great
attachment of Maharaja with Naal Sahib is attributed to its association
with Imam Husain. In the King of martyrs, Maharaja found a role model
for good governance and as a sequel to his leaning towards the message
of Imam Husain, he was able to develop Hyderabad as State known for his
communal harmony and also as the best administered province during the
37 year long rule of Mir Osman Ali Khan.
is recorded that Maharaja used to stay back after Nazr-O-Niaz and
preferred to witness the emergence of alam by a hereditary carrier. The
Carrier called Alambardar was supported by Doribardars who carried the
rope around the Alam, followed by Chatarbardars carrying the richly
decorated umbrella .On Yaum-E-Ashura, Maharaja always came out of his
palace to distribute alms to the down trodden. His favorite Naal Sahib
procession attracts during Muharram every year thousands of devotees who
present Nazr irrespective of their religion, caste or creed thanks to
the harmonious culture developed by people like Maharaja.(Reference
available on request)