Monday 20 April 2015

A Great Hussaini Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz of Ajmer

 Shrine of Khwaja Moin- Uddin- Chishti In Ajmer (India )

 Dr.Mazhar Naqvi


(Husain is Shah (spiritual leader), Husain is Badshah (the King or administrative leader) of this world. Husain is himself "religion" and also the one who gave shelter to the religion. He preferred to give his head but not his hand to Yazid. The fact is that Husain is the foundation of  la ilaha…. ).
This beautiful Rubai ( Quatret)in Persian demonstrates amply the love of Khwaja Moin Uddin Chishti towards Imam Hussain. Popularly known as Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz (The Supporter of the Poor), he is the mujaddid (reviver) of the Chishtia Sufi order  and undoubtedly one of the greatest mystics of all times.He composed the famous quartet to show his deep affection towards Imam at a time when the sultans ruling India were not much respectful for Ahle-Bait and like Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphs were more interested in external brand of Islam.   
History reveals that events subsequent to the martyrdom of Imam Hussain sounded the death knell of amalgamated leadership. The  Umayyad  usurped the temporal power, and the tragedy of  Karbala and its aftermath paved the way for the modern ‘so called’ Islamic Nation States’. Those who could see the reality however, continued to flock around the Ahle bait to quench their thirst for knowledge and reality. The Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphs persecuted these expounders of the internal true Islam, for they always considered Ahle-Bait as a threat to their empire and instead of treating them as fountain of Knowledge and spirituality, preferred to imprison them or martyring them with poisonous substance. While the masses never doubted that the Beloved Prophet is the ocean, Hazrat Ali is the outlet and the Ahle Bait  are the canals that carry the water to the thirsty, the ruling class always strived to conceal their exalted status under the garb of falsehood. It was Sufis who developed a mechanism to keep the love of Ahle Bait alive in the heart of people and Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz carried out successfully this mission on Indian soil.
Khwaja Ajmeri whose Urs is celebrated on 6th of Rajab ( Five days from today) through his teachings  created awareness towards Imam Hussain in a pre- dominantly non- Muslim country like India. Not only this, he also observed his followers to observe Muharram rituals with great solemnity and his shrine at Ajmer remains a hub of Muharram ceremonies during Ashura. Lakhs of devotees throng at Ajmer to participate in Muharram rituals every year and Majalis are also organized by the managing committee of  the world famous shrine. Importance of Khwaja could be gauged from the fact that this year US President Barak Obama has sent a chadar for Khwaja’s Urs. Through this act, the President wishes to convey to the entire world that followers of Imam Hussain like Ghareeb Nawaz are true face of Islam and not those who are unleashing terror in the name of religion under the name and style Islamic State( IS).
Khwaja is believed to have been born in 536 AH/1141 CE in Chisht in Herat (Afghanistan). Another version says that he was born in Asfahan, Persia, around 533 AH / 1138 AD, and brought up in Sanjar. It is however an established fact that his  parents died when he was just a teenaged boy. Khwaja was a direct descendant of Imam Hussain from paternal side while linked with Imam Hasan from maternal side.Since his childhood, he was different from other children and kept himself busy in prayers and meditation. He later disposed of his property, other belongings and distributed the money to the destitute. He renounced the world and left for Bukhara in search of knowledge. He visited centers of Muslim culture, and acquainted himself with important trends in Islamic religious life. He became a disciple of the Chishti saint Usman Harooni and travelled with him to Middle east, Mecca And Medina.It was Harooni who initiated him into Chishtia order.
After he was directed to be in India by Prophet Hazrat Muhammad himself in a dream, Khwaja reached Lahore , stayed there for sometime and then arrived in Ajmer to settle down permanently. His simple lifestyle and affectionate preaching earned him a large following and respect amongst the residents of Ajmer. His high morals, great wisdom and frugal lifestyle deeply influenced thousands of people as he carried on his work in Ajmer for more than 45 years. He promoted understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims and soon his fame spread all over the country. His name became a household one during the regime of Emperor Akbar who visited his Dargah upon coming to know about his miraculous powers. Akbarnama records that Akbar’s interest in Ajmer first sparked when he heard some minstrels singing songs about the virtues of the Wali who lay asleep in Ajmer. Khwaja  authored several books including Anīs al-Arwā and Dalīl al-'Ārifīn.Both works deal with the Islamic code of living.Sayings and Quotes of Khwaja give us the real path of spiritual Love towards GOD. In one such quotes, he says “the noise of the lover is only while he has not seen his Beloved. Once he sees the beloved, he becomes calm and quiet, just as the rivers are boisterous before they join the ocean, but when they do so, there are becalmed forever”.
He passed away on the 6th of Rajab 633 AH/ 1236 AD. His tomb in Ajmer is a well-known place of pilgrimage for people from many countries, regardless of their religion. Kutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (d. 1235) and Hamiduddin Nagori (d. 1276) were his celebrated Khalifas( Caliphs) or "successors", who continued to transmit the teachings of their master through their disciples, leading to the widespread proliferation of the Chishti Order in India.( References Available on Request)

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