Sunday, 18 October 2015

Muharram & Hindu(Maratha) Kingdoms

Sarkari Tazia Procession in Indore-Capital of Holkers

Dr.Mazhar Naqvi

The great role of Maratha Kingdoms in preservation and promotion of Muharram ceremonies has not received due attention of religious scholars and historians. This ironical apathy towards the contribution of Maratha rulers such as Holkers of Indore, Gaekwad of Baroda, Scindias of Gwalior and Shahu Ji of Kolhapur to observance of Muharram with the splendor of royalty in their dominions needs to be reversed. There is an emergent need to highlight the active participation Maratha rulers in commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussain in British India as the independent India, of late, is witnessing emergence of sectarian tendencies to alarming proportions. The most unfortunate aspect of the newly emerged situation is flurry of hate speeches being delivered by those who claim themselves to be descendants of Shivaji Maharaj against Muslims and the counter reaction from the leaders of the targeted community in equally aggressive contents and tone.
Every mourner knows that Imam Hussain had wished to come to India after his caravan was blocked by Yazidi force. Islam had penetrated into some pockets of Sindh till then. There were trade links between India and Arabia. Most part of the region that constitutes Indian sub-continent had no Muslim population at all. Yet Imam preferred to be amongst non- believers. He decided so in view of the popularity of ‘Hindustan’ (India) as a land of religious tolerance. It is narrated in several accounts that Imam said “I want to go to India, for I know that her people won’t keep any one thirsty or without food nor will they kill any innocent child”. Indians too lived up to the expectations of ‘Mazloom’ Imam when Sufis began observing Muharram in their hospices. Azadari acquired status of mass movement during Qutb Shahi regime and people from all castes and religions performed Muharram rituals in Golconda. The tradition still continues and one can experience the love for imam among Shia, Sunnis and Hindus alike in Hyderabad after sighting of Muharram crescent. Nawabs of Murshidabad in Bengal and Awadh also did likewise. Since they were Imamis or Muslims what they did was obvious and expected of them. But the tremendous affection showered on Imam Hussain and his companions by non-Muslim rulers and their subjects established how accurate was the assessment of Ghareeb-E-Karbala about India and her people. The significance of state patronage extended to Muharram ceremonies by Maratha rulers can only be gauged by a person with knowledge of Mughal history from the days of Emperor Aurangzeb. Shivaji had waged a relentless war against Mughals to establish a Maratha kingdom. But he was not intolerant like Aurangzeb. He respected all faiths and his followers adopted the same policy. When Holkers, Scindias, Gaekwads and Shahu Jis carved out their independent states they did not distinguish between Dussehara and Muharram. They treated and celebrated both as symbol of victory of good over evil. These Maratha rulers also did not make any attempt to initiate Ganesh Mahotsava. It was Tilak who started the tradition on the pattern of Muharram processions and now it is considered to be the most popular festival of Marathas.

It really seems strange when one finds successors of Shivaji engaged in spreading communal disharmony or promoting religious intolerance. During Muharram some of them are seen distributing Sharbet to mourners also in Bhindi Bazar area of Mumbai but this gesture is neutralized very next day by any hate speech or article against Islam and Muslims. Why are they doing so? The answer to this question is vote politics. India is a multi- religious country. Inter-faith understanding is crucial for its survival and development. Rulers like Akbar, Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, Adil Shah and Shivaji encouraged religious tolerance. But their counterparts like Aurangzeb, Modern Shiv Sainiks and democratic monarchs in the form of parliamentarians such as Mahant Yoginath are bent upon shattering the fabric of religious tolerance. Their approach is bound to bring disaster. Dadri incident and dirty politics over it indicates what future holds in store. Humanity is in peril. Some literary figures have returned their awards in protest against the advent of fanaticism. Their reaction may be debatable but their move is surely a protest against mounting intolerance. Now they should also try to formulate a counter strategy by highlighting the secular aspects from the pages of illustrious Indian history. This will nullify the adverse effects generated by fabricated history written by the agents of Shivaji’s unworthy successors. It is time to act upon against intolerant elements of all communities. An all out campaign is the need of hour. Delay has already caused much harm. Further, delay would prove too detrimental to interests of humanity. The existing families of Maratha rulers should also realize the reality. So long as their ancestors patronized Muharram, they remained protected and enjoyed respect from people. Holkers, Gaekwads and Scindias no longer enjoy the status they once had. Neo-rich businessmen have turned them out from public sphere in their home towns. The case of Scindia is more glaring. Their bad days began during the regime of Madhavrao. His personal tazia was burnt to ashes in 1925 in mysterious circumstances. He considered it as bad omen and time proved him correct also. Maharaja died in Paris after a few months. His successor continued patronizing Muharram and even installed an Alam with ‘Mashkiza’ at his palace. The arrival of a fanatic queen changed the outlook of the family towards Muharram. Gradually their active participation became a thing of past. The queen was a non- Maratha and so she deviated from the path of religious tolerance. As she encouraged divisive forces, she remains forgotten or remembered as the last queen of Gwalior. Even the leaders of the party that she funded for decades never remember her. This is happening at a time when her party is ruling India. Does apathy towards not indicate that Almighty never rewards those not believing in communal harmony. The blogger appeals to all Hussainis recall the contribution of non-Muslims also whenever possible. This will be a befitting reply to those who oppose Muharram and try to portray it as an observance restricted Imamis only. (References available on request.Photo Courtesy Google Image)             

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