Dr.Mazhar Naqvi
The 24th day of Islamic month
Zil-Hijj is celebrated as Eid-E-Mubahila. The day is considered auspicious as it
marks the victory of Muslims over Christians in the event of Mubahila that occurred
in the 10th of Hijri. The historical perspective of the event reveals that Najran
was a fertile land in Yemen and its residents were idol worshippers like Arabs.
A priest named Femeon preached in Najran and soon its entire population
converted to Christianity. The region became a powerful center of Christians
who also raised a church and named it 'Kaba-e-Najran'. After the conquest of Mecca,
Islam started spreading rapidly. The Holy Prophet started sending emissaries to
the tribes who had not yet accepted Islam. He sent a similar message to the
Christians of Najran. The Prophet offered them to either embrace Islam or give ‘Jazia’
- a kind of fee to live under the protection of Muslims. The Bishop of Najran
invited all the scholars and influential people and asked them to suggest what
reply should be given to Prophet’s message. After deliberations, they decided
to send a mission to Madina to negotiate with Muslims. A 14- member lavishly
dressed delegation, reached Medina with great pomp and show under the leadership
of Aqib Saidawar and Abu Harisa. The Prophet however did not pay any attention
to the delegates when they entered the
Masjid-e-Nabuwi. After a while, they got out of the Masjid and arrived at the
house of Imam Ali. They mentioned the whole incident to him and urged him to
suggest way to earn an audience with Hazrat Muhammad. Imam Ali told them to get
rid of their silk dresses and gold ornaments
as they depicted their superior
mentality and ask them to dress simply. When they followed the instructions,
Prophet Muhammad agreed to have discussions with them. After exchange of views,
the delegates refused to accept the explanations proving incorrectness of their
beliefs. At this juncture, Allah send down the famous Ayat-e-Mubahila of the
Quran ,declaring “ who disputeth with thee therein after the knowledge hath
come unto thee, Say ! (O' Our Apostle Muhammad !) (Unto them) come ye, let us
summon our sons, and (ye summon) your sons, and (we summon) our women and (ye)
your women, and (we summon) ourselves and then let us invoke the curse of God
on the liars ! Prophet recited the Ayat and invited delegates for Mubahila -
praying to God to destroy and banish the liars.
The Prophet selected a place close to Madina for Mubahila and the next day the Christian delegation reached the designated place. Hazrat Muhammad took with him Imam Hasan, Imam Hussain, Bibi Fatima and Imam Ali. He sat down under a tree and said “when I pray to Allah, you all should say 'Amen'. When the delegates saw a woman, two children and only one man with the Prophet they got scared. Abu Harisa replied to their concern with these words" O my friends, I am seeing such bright faces that if they pray that God move this mountain from its place then the mountain will be moved. I warn you not to have Mubahila with them or you all will be destroyed and banished." Then, the brother of Abu Harisa, Karz ibn-e-Alqama stated “O my fellows, it appears that Muhammad is the same last apostle and Prophet that has been mentioned in our sacred books. We should not have Mubahila with them because anyone who had Mubahila with the Prophets in the past were destroyed. Look around you and observe that the signs of your destruction are appearing." When the delegates y looked around, they found the entire atmosphere had changed and it appeared that a furious storm is in the offing. They backed off from the contest and requested that their friendship be accepted. Prophet Muhammad accepted their request and allowed Najranees to remain on their faith and pay Jazia to live under the protection of Muslims. Since then 24th Zil Hijj is celebrated as a day when Islam established its superiority against another revealed religion. The event also proved closeness of Prophet’s Ahle-Bait to Allah. No doubt, the event of Mubahila is a joyous occasion and it is rightly celebrated as an Eid.
The Prophet selected a place close to Madina for Mubahila and the next day the Christian delegation reached the designated place. Hazrat Muhammad took with him Imam Hasan, Imam Hussain, Bibi Fatima and Imam Ali. He sat down under a tree and said “when I pray to Allah, you all should say 'Amen'. When the delegates saw a woman, two children and only one man with the Prophet they got scared. Abu Harisa replied to their concern with these words" O my friends, I am seeing such bright faces that if they pray that God move this mountain from its place then the mountain will be moved. I warn you not to have Mubahila with them or you all will be destroyed and banished." Then, the brother of Abu Harisa, Karz ibn-e-Alqama stated “O my fellows, it appears that Muhammad is the same last apostle and Prophet that has been mentioned in our sacred books. We should not have Mubahila with them because anyone who had Mubahila with the Prophets in the past were destroyed. Look around you and observe that the signs of your destruction are appearing." When the delegates y looked around, they found the entire atmosphere had changed and it appeared that a furious storm is in the offing. They backed off from the contest and requested that their friendship be accepted. Prophet Muhammad accepted their request and allowed Najranees to remain on their faith and pay Jazia to live under the protection of Muslims. Since then 24th Zil Hijj is celebrated as a day when Islam established its superiority against another revealed religion. The event also proved closeness of Prophet’s Ahle-Bait to Allah. No doubt, the event of Mubahila is a joyous occasion and it is rightly celebrated as an Eid.
But while celebrating the
unique victory of Islam in Mubahila every year, we also need to look at the
current state of affairs in Islamic and Christian countries. A cursory glance
would reveal that Muslim
world faces the challenges of sectarian violence, poor healthcare, poverty,
violations of human rights, illiteracy, lack of progress, dictatorship, absence
of political transparency and regional divisions. On the other hand, the Christian
or western world looks far ahead in terms of tackling these issues. These
nations are enjoying stable life at least materialistically and most of them
are capable of providing security, rights, food and health care to every
citizen .United states and Russia seem
to be controlling the affairs of many a Muslim
countries in the current scenario. The situation obviously raises the question as
to why the Muslim world is behind its Christian counterpart. The event of Mubahila
only gives reply to this legitimate question. A look at the Islamic history
would reveal that Muslims are lagging behind for not following the teachings of
those whose shining faces had scared the delegates. How can Muslim world attain
desired progress without following the Islam propagated by Prophet Muhammad and
his Ahle-Bait? Who does not know who introduced Islam as a religion of
progress, innovation and development and who is trying to portray it as a
religion that does not believe in harmony and peaceful co-existence?