Friday 12 February 2016

A True Hussaini-Obaid Zia

Dr.Mazhar Naqvi

The viewers of Muharram Mirror are well-acquainted with Syed Hafeez Hussaini. They are also aware that he is neither Syed nor Hussaini. Though he claims himself to be a Sunni yet he praises Yazid and hurl abuses at all those who confront him on the issue. As a result of his glorification of Yazid, I had to write three articles to highlight what happened with Ahle-Bait after the death of Holy Prophet and silence of some highly revered companions. I always believe in Shia-Sunni unity as both love Imam Hussain and mourn his sacrifice at Karbala in different ways. Today I happened to see an article of Obaid Zia,(May Allah reward him for his noble approach)  that was posted on October 21,2016.I am reproducing below excerpts of his post with the objective to let everyone know how logical reasoning and rationale can bring both the communities together and frustrate sinister design of fanatics like Syed Hafeez Hussaini, May Allah curse him for hurting the Rasul SAW and his pious progeny. Here are the excerpts :
ussainiHussainihhhh “I am a Sunni. My family is Sunni. We love Abu Bakr, Uthman, Umar, Ali. We believe in their Rightly Guided Caliphates. The Commanders of the Faithful. We believe in Aisha as a wife of the Prophet and a role model. A Mother of the Faithful. This is our belief. We are not Shia……As part of being Muslim, we love the Prophet and love all that which he loves. For what is beloved to the Prophet is beloved to God…..Of the Prophet’s family , there exist two names shadowed in an eternal passion, kept alive by billions of lovers for over a millennium. The beloved sons of Fatima az-Zahra, daughter of the Prophet Muhammad , and her husband Ali ibn Abi Talib: Hasan and Hussain. The Prophet Muhammad confided with humanity that indeed his favorite two children in all of creation would be the leaders of the youth of Paradise. The two sons of the House of the Prophet would grow up to be great leaders, as prophesized by the Holy Messenger , and find themselves murdered by their grandfather’s followers for their sacred ancestry ….. Why is it that I, and many other youth in America, are not taught much about Hasan and Hussain when they grow up? All that most know about them is that the Prophet loved and kissed them and that they would bring him his blessed slippers. That’s it. They’re our role models to be the perfect children. We, as Sunnis, have forgotten that they’re really models through our death and afterlife.
We never learn about the murder of the Prophet’s grandsons at the hands of his Ummah. We never learn about the betrayal from a son of Bani Ummayah. We never learn about the theft of khilafat from the righteous. We never learn about Muawiyah’s warning his son to not “meet God with his [Imam Hussain’s] blood.” We never learn about the gross disobedience to his father, his soul’s nature, his sense of inhumanity, to the Prophet he claimed to love …..I’m not writing this to criticize the pseudo-salafi influence in America throwing off 1400 years of orthodox Sunni scholarship. I’m writing this because I was (and still am, obviously) a confused Sunni youth in America wondering why the hadith and scholarly quotes about the Ahl al-Bayt are an open secret, why the poems of Imam Shafi’ are hidden, why our elders and teachers are content in letting an entire generation grow up without knowing that Islam could have died barely 60 years in. How can an imam talk about the erroneous “fitnah of women” when we don’t even know about the fitnah that almost killed the religion of our beloved Prophet ?... We are brothers because when a tyrant stole the caliphate of the Muslim Ummah and abused it, Imam Hussain stood up for you and me and the nation his grandfather built with his blood, sweat, and many tears. He marched himself to his death for the sake of survival. On that day in Karbala, he was undoubtedly on the side of Islam, the side of his father, the side of his grandfather , the side of righteousness and truth…Imam Hussain came to the battlefield not as a Shia to fight Sunnis, or a Sunni to fight Shias. He was there as the inheritor and rightful successor of his grandfather to continue the Prophetic crusade against injustice and darkness. It wasn’t “Sunni succession vs. Shia succession.” The knowledgeable of the Ummah had already designated Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain as caliphs. No. That day in Karbala, the battlefield was Haq vs. Kufr.
An army who claimed to be on the path of Islam, an army who claimed to love the Prophet Muhammad , was about to slaughter his holy family before leaving their dead bodies to rot for three days. They took the words of the kalima, chewed them up, spat them out, and trampled them with their horses. When Sayydina Abu Bakr “would rather do good to the family of the Prophet rather than to [his]own family,²” the army at Karbala didn’t even spare thirsty infant Ali al-Asghar crying in the arms of Imam Hussain. They couldn’t spare a drop of water for the progeny of the Prophet they claimed to love. Their hearts had already traded God for the pleasures of this world. Words cannot describe the revolting lapse of conscience, of taqwa, of basic humanity, that the murderers of the Prophet’s household had on that day If it weren’t for Imam Hussain’s sacrifice, Islam would have died. The legacy of Hussain’s selfless sacrifice lived on in the community of the Muslims under unjust rulers. The light of his fight for truth lived on in the minds of the believers, ready to reclaim the religion of the Holy Prophet whenever opportunity presented. Imam Hussain inspired the spirit of reality in the darkness. Yazid had Imam Hussain killed, Yazid won, but Yazid still died three years later, and today he’s nothing but dust in the desert, while Hussain lives on in the hearts of billions…..
How could I ignore the sacrifices of the Prophet’s family? How could I not grieve and mourn when recounted the atrocities at Karbala? How could I ignore the suffering of Imam Hussain, when he watched all those he loved in the world beaten, abused, slaughtered, beheaded, and molested in front of his eyes? When Imam Hussain gave up his whole world, was stabbed 33 times by spears, struck 34 times by swords, hit over 100 times by arrows, only to weep and say “I only wish for Allah to shower them with forgiveness,⁴” how can I say that remembering his suffering is a sin?

The words of Obaid Sahib reflect how Sunnis view the sublime sacrifice of Imam Hussain. Youths like him are true believers whereas Wahabis who create fitna by claiming themselves to be Sunni and promote terrorism in the name of Islam are real threat to world peace.  

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