Dr.Mazhar Naqvi
Muhammad Jamaluddin
al-Makki al-Amili, popularly known as Shaheed-E-
Awwal , was ‘Mujaddad’ (greatest scholar) of 8th Hijri
.He also ranks first among the five Imami martyrs. He was killed in the most brutal manner at the
behest of a bunch of religious scholars who were jealous of his respect,
knowledge and command over all schools of Islamic thoughts. He was born to Jamal al
Deen Makki at the small village of Jazeen in Jabl Amili( South Lebanon) in 734 Hijri(1334 AD). His native place was inhabited by a large number of
Imamis because Hazrat Abuzar
Ghaffari was exiled there by a Syrian King and he propagated the excellence of Ahle-Bait in the region. He had his early education from his father. Then, he proceeded to Hilla that had emerged
as the most significant seat of Imami learning following migration of religious
scholars from Baghdad after the invasion of Halaku Khan.
After obtaining the
certificate of Ijtehaad, he
studied fiqh under Sunni Ulema and visited Baghdad, Cairo, Madina and
Jerussalam for the purpose.
Sunni Ulema too gave him
certificates of proficiency in Sahih
Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Jameh Tirmizi, Masnad Abu Dawood, Masnad ibn e
Maaja, Masnad Ahmed bin Hanbal, Maktaba Imam Malik, Mustadrak, Hakim. Then,
he settled in Syria. He earned
great respect and followers of different schools held him in high esteem. He
was also able to resolve their problems on the basis of the principles laid
down in their books. His status can well be gauged from the fact that a thousand
scholars were awarded certificates as Mujtahids under him and the Ulema have unanimously conferred the title of Shaheed e Awwal on him. Renowned scholar Sheik Jafar says “ after the times of the Infallibles, none understood the Fiqh as well as Shaheed e Awwal. Only who has read his
book “Lam-aa” can ascertain his exalted status. As his fame enhanced,
other Ulema started envying him. Burhan-Uddin-Maliki,
Chief Qazi of Damascus, also felt that Shaheed-e-Awwal had overshadowed him. The
Syrian rulers also became apprehensive of him. They thought that his teachings
and following might change the
thinking of people as had happened in Iran due to Allama Hilli .
The rulers, with the help of the 70 apostates, got a document
prepared and all the 70 signed
it saying that they were all the followers of the Ahl al Bayt (a.s) but they bore witness that Shaheed e Awwal considered
the Ahl al Bayt (a.s) as
Gods. About1,000 prsons
from different sects signed the document to witness the canard. The Qazi of Bahrood sent the false document
to Damascus. Ibad ibn al
Jimaad, too was in Damascus. He
was against Shaheed e Awwal.He sent the petition to the Chief Qazi for his signature and
verdict. Shaheed e Awwal was
then arrested and put into jail for one year.
During the period of his confinement, he
received a request from the ruler of Khorasan to
take charge as Naib-E-Imam in his
kingdom. The scholar expressed his inability but assured to write a
book that would guide people how adhere to Shariah. He wrote the famous book “Al-Lum'ah ad-Dimashqiya”
(The Damascene Glitter).It was written within seven days. The book is a sort of
miracle. Even though he did not have access to any books of reference yet he compiled the book with his memory. He sent
the book to the King of
Khorasan through a reliable person who carried the book with utmost care.
On the way, he met followers of Infallibles
(Masoomeen) who copied a few pages at each stop and the collection resulted
in more copies of the miraculous book and its preservation till date. .
After one year, Maliki found ‘guilty’ of apostasy and awarded him death penalty.
On 9th day of Jamad-Ul-Awwal
in 786 Hijri (1385 AD), he was martyred. Shaheed-E-Salis, Qazi Noor Ullah Shustri mentions in his
book, Majalis-Al-Momineen, “Shaheed-E-Awwal
had a pen and paper in his hand when he was being taken for execution. He wrote
on that paper, “I am now surrounded by
my enemies, please help me!” Then, he threw the paper in the air.
When the paper touched the ground, Shaheed-E-Awwal saw on its back written, “Be
patient if you are Allah’s
Creature!”.The author of Qasas
al Ulema give another version and says that the verdict given
against him specified that his two legs were to be tied to two camels and they
were to be driven in the opposite direction. Thus, his body was sundered into
two. It is also recorded in some authentic accounts that when his body was
rolling restlessly, it was hanged on a tree. In the evening, it was brought
down stoned and arrows were showered on it. Around Maghrib, the cadaver was put to flame. (References
available on request).
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