A View of Ghadeer Mountain
Dr.Mazhar Naqvi
all over the world celebrate Eid-E-Ghadir with great rejoicing. They do so as
the holy Prophet had introduced at Ghadeer-E-Khum Maula Ali as his successor
and master after him. Enemies of Holy Prophet’s household have been raising
objections over the celebration of Eid-E-Ghadir but their efforts have not
dampened the spirit of Maula Ali’s devotees and admirers. Their efforts to misinterpret
the word Maula has also not gained much significance because of abundance of reliable
non-Imami sayings, traditions and literature available on the declaration of
Hazrat Ali as successor of the holy Prophet. Eid-E-Ghadeer
instills the Mastership and love for Maula-E-Kaynaat in the hearts and minds of
people. Infallibles too always insisted on celebrating Eid-E-Ghadeer with grand
fanfare to remind people of all ages the
incident of Ghadeer is certain and irrefutable and its authenticity can be
found in the books of history. Eid-E-Ghadeer also reminds devotees that the
Holy Prophet, on divine command, not only announced and appointed Hazrat Ali as
his successor but also made his obedience obligatory upon every. He also considered
his enemies accursed and regarded his lovers as successful.
Those who
suspect declaration by the Holy Prophet and undermine significance of
Ghadeer-e-Khum should read about Hassan ibn Thabit. He was an Arabian poet and a close companion of the Holy Prophet. He had sought
permission from the Prophet to compose a few verses of poetry about Imam Ali for the audience that had heard the
declaration at Ghadeer. In reply, the Prophet had said: "Say with the blessings of
Allah". Then, Hassan stood up and said: "O' people of Quraysh. I
follow with my words what preceded and witnessed by the Messenger of Allah . He
then composed the following verses at the scene:
“He calls them, (on) the day of Ghadir, their
In Khumm so hear (and heed) the Messenger's call,
He said: "Who is your guide and leader? (mawlakum wa waliyyukum)"
They said, and there was no apparent blindness (clearly):
"Your God, our guide, and you are our leader
And you won't find from among us, in this, any disobedient,"
He said to him: "Stand up O' Ali, for I am
pleased to announce you Imam and guide after me (min ba'di imam(an) wa hadiy(an)),
So whomever I was his leader (maula), then this is his leader (maula)
So be to him supporters in truth and followers,"
There he prayed: "Allah! Be a friend and guide to his follower
And be, to the one who is Ali's enemy, an enemy"
In Khumm so hear (and heed) the Messenger's call,
He said: "Who is your guide and leader? (mawlakum wa waliyyukum)"
They said, and there was no apparent blindness (clearly):
"Your God, our guide, and you are our leader
And you won't find from among us, in this, any disobedient,"
He said to him: "Stand up O' Ali, for I am
pleased to announce you Imam and guide after me (min ba'di imam(an) wa hadiy(an)),
So whomever I was his leader (maula), then this is his leader (maula)
So be to him supporters in truth and followers,"
There he prayed: "Allah! Be a friend and guide to his follower
And be, to the one who is Ali's enemy, an enemy"
Hassan was born in Yathrib (Modern day
city of Medina).He belonged to Banu Kharaz.After Prophet’s death, Hassan is
believed to have traveled up to China to preach Islam.He reportedly lived for 120 years.(References available on
request.Photo Courtesy- Google Images).
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