Saturday 4 January 2020

Adeeb Makanpuri-Unsung Shair-E-Ahlebait

Dr.Mazhar Naqvi

Adeeb Makanpuri was a famous poet of Urdu and known for his Ghazals. But he was also a great devotee of Hazrat Imam Hussain and wrote many Nauhas, Qatas and Salams in praise of martyrs of Karbala. It is ironical that his contribution to elegiac poetry remains unknown to 

Azadar world even two decades after his death.
His original name was Muazziz and he was born in Makanpur village. He was gifted with a melodious voice and could even play Tabla. He had learnt Tabla from Haider Bhai who had settled in Makanpur after marrying a lady. Prior to his arrival in Makanpur to purchase horses for a small kingdom in Gujarat, Haider Bhai was chief of Cavalry in the royal force. He found Makanpur so captivating that he decided to leave his job and began teaching the art of Sozkhwani, Nauhakhwani and Marsiyakhwani to local people with Muazziz as one of his disciples.  
Being an old center of Azadari, Makanpur is famous as unique center of Muharram ceremonies from the time of Sharqi dynasty of Jaunpur. The shrine of Shah Madar-one of the descendants of 6th Shia Imam Jafar Sadiq A.S., always encouraged Taziadari. In all Tazia processions, his descendants who are known as Khadims   has been traditionally reciting Nauhas,Salams and Marsiyas. Muazziz also developed taste for reciting Nauhas being a Jafri Syed.

When Chaudhary Ashif Hussain,a poet par excellence, started a high school at Makanpur, Muazziz joined as a teacher and also learnt intricacies of Urdu poetry. Soon he earned as a national level poet and also hosted an All India Mushaira on behalf of Mela Committee. He however never attended any engagement during Muharram and considered his solemn duty to present his elegiac poetry   on 9th and 10th day of Muharram.  

His Nauha “Allah woh Shah Ke Madadgaar Bahattar “is still recited by local Anjumans. He took Adeeb as his “Takhallus(Pen Name) and till his last breath continued writing. His son Shohrat Adeeb is also a good poet and writes elegiac poetry. Internationally acclaimed poetess Shabeen Adeeb also flourished under the care of Adeeb Makanpuri. It was Adeeb sahib who offered her to recite one of his Ghazals  when health did not permit him to perform on stage,Shabeen was just 9 year old. She was an instant hit because of her voice. Shabeena too writes poetry in praise of Ahlebait –E- Athaar.

Zair Adeebi is another poet who is carrying on legacy of Adeeb Sahib. Zair no longer lives in Makanpur but comes to take part in Muharram ceremonies at Makanpur. It is impact of Adeeb Sahib’s poetry that over a dozen young poets from Makanpur are making waves in the field of elegiac poetry with Urooj  Makanpuri playing a leading role. Of late, Noman Makanpuri, grandson of Adeeb Sahib, has earned quite a reputation in Naat and Nauha rercitation at a fairly young age.
Source:Personal Observation and Oral statements of area residents.    

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Thank you so much Sir for sharing your knowledge with us, Its really very useful info for all of us, I will share to my Relatives and friends to read this article...
