Monday, 1 June 2015

Imam Mahdi in the works of Sufis and Non-Imami Scholars

Dr. Mazhar Naqvi

“The Riser will appear, I do confess,
With grace he will rise, blessed and good:
And will deal with the faithful and the faithless
And will distinguish between truth and falsehood “

Famous poet Dubal al-Khuzai had recited this couplet in presence of Imam Reza. Upon listening, the Imam had asked the poet “ do you know who this riser( Qaim) is and when shall he rise”. In reply, Dubal said” I don’t know details but have heard repeatedly that an Imam would purge the world from evils and fill it with justice”. Then, Imam explained “ O Dubal, my son Muhammad ,will come when I am gone. He will be awaited during his absence. When he appears, the world shall bow down before him”.
It would be however inappropriate to assume on the basis of conversation between imam Reza and Dubal that subject of awaited ‘Muhammad’ who is famous with his title Al-Mahdi, is restricted to Imamis only. Rather, the awaited or hidden Imam has been object of interest among all Islamic schools of thoughts. Prominent scholars of non- Imami faiths have written volumes on the topic. Sufis too have also treated the disappearance and reappearance of Al-Mahdi from their own perspectives.
Great mystic, Aziz al-Din Nasafi, in his work ‘Al-Insan al-Kamil’ ('The Perfect Man)’ writes: "Now know that this Perfect Man has many names, including Hadi (the guide), al-Mahdi, Imam, Caliph (or Khalifa, successor), and Sahib al-Zaman (Lord of the Time).This Perfect Man has always existed in the world, and He is no more than one. “
Similarly , Muhyi al-Din ibn Arabi in 'The Bezel of Adam' states “ Caliphate is confined to the Perfect Man. Succession (khilafat) cannot be true except for the Perfect Man. Of course, it must be noted that from the viewpoint of the mystics, the 'Qutb' (the Pole) in the world of existence is like the spirit in the body, and 'Hadi' and Mahdi bear the same meaning of the 'Qutb”.
Sheikh Muhyi al-Din ibn Arabi describes Al Mahdi as a mystic, philosopher and theologian in his work. in his work. He was born in Murcia and settled and died in Damascus in 638 A. H. Sheikh wrote several books with  Futuhat al-Makkiyah, Muhadarat al-Abrar, Fusus al-Hikam, al-Tajalliyyat al-Illahiyya being prominent ones. he speaks about the awaited imam  in the Futuhat, and on different occasions. In chapter 366, for example, he remarksKnow that al-Mahdi (A.S.) must come, but he will not come until the earth is filled with injustice and oppression. He will fill it with justice and equity. Even if there remains a single day of the world, God will extend that day until that Caliph(successor) comes to Caliphate (ruling as a caliph).” The Futuhat also includes elegant poems expressive of Sheikh’s love, devotion and respect for Hidden Imam. Saad al-Din Muhammad , an Iranian mystic has expressed his views on the Guardian, the saints and Imam Mahdi(A.S.) in these words “"And when it was the turn of the religion of Muhammad, he said, "After me there would be no Prophet to call people to my religion. After me there will be those who follow me and are close to God. ……The scholars of my community are like the Prophets of the Israelites." However, the last, who is the Twelfth Guardian, is the Seal of the Saints and is called Al-Mahdi (A.S.) and Lord of the Time."
‘Golshan-e Raz (The Rose Garden of the Secrets)’
is regarded as one of the most excellent book on mysticism. Authored by Sheikh Mahmud Shabistari and Sheikh Muhammad Lahiji, the book contains many commentaries in poetical form .The commentaries express devotion, loyalty and love for the exalted status of Imam Mahdi.
About the excellence of Imam Mahdi, Muhyi al-Din  speaks beautifully in ‘Al-Manaqib (The Virtues)Ali is the Secret of the Eminent Secrets, the Hidden Soul of the Holy Souls, the Ladder of the Intellects, the Accomplishment of the Principles, the Pole of the Millstone of the Existence, the Centre of the Circle of the Revelation, the Perfection of the Creation and the Origin of the Perfection, the Beauty of all and the Gathering Place of the Existence, the Known and Existing Knowledge. Questions turn to him, he whose birth is well-known. He is parallel to the Prophetic Mirror, the Verifier of the Appeasing Secrets, the One Embellished by the Divine Lights, and the One Nourished within the Lordly Veils. He emanates truths by his existence, and splits subtleties by his revelation. He is the Greatest Divine Name, containing the Infinite Modes of the Creation, the Endless, the Diver into the Merciful Ocean, the King of Compassionate Bounties, the Mountain of Godly Manifestation, the Fire of the Corporeal Tree, the Law of the great Allah, the Ultimate Goal of mankind, the Father of the master of the Time, the one of who is the Refuge of the Truth, the Organizer of the hidden and known places of order”.
Sheikh 'Ali Akbar, a well-known Indian scholar, in his ‘Yawaqit ('Emeralds')’quotes  Al-Sharani having said “the 'Qutb' or the Perfect Man is described by fifteen signs. These include the fact that he should be characterized by infallibility, mercy and succession, he should strengthen the Carriers of the Throne, and the truth of humility should be revealed to him. He should also be familiar with all the Divine Attributes.”
Sheikh Saad al-Din Hamuyah has similarly said, "Al-Mahdi will not appear until the secrets of b scholars of non-Imami school of Muslim law who have eulogized Imam Mahdi also includes names like hafiz Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Kanji al Shafi- the author of celebrated work ‘Al –Bayati fi akhbari Sahib al-Zaman, Hafiz Abu Naim Isfahani of naat al-Mehdi’ fame  and Abu Dawud al-Sijistan who has devoted a full fledged chapter titled “Kitab al- Mehdi” in his work ‘Sunan’.Al Tirmithi in his Sahih, Ibn Majah in his Sunan and Al hakim in his compilation ‘mustardak’ have also done. They have expressed their attitudes in beautiful words, recited odes and verses in honor of Imam , called him the Pole of the Time, the Guardian of the Age, Master of  the Time,  the Guide and Seal of the Saints, the Secret of the Sublime Secrets, the Greatest Divine Name and  the Greatest Law of Allah..
Islamic and non- Islamic world knows Al-Mahdi is of the progeny of the holy Prophet and descendant of Bibi Fatima. His name is not only same as that of Prophet’ but he is also like messenger of Allah in temperament, for no-one is closer to the unparalleled temperament of the Prophet. Born to imam Hasan Askari in Samra on 15 Shaban in 868 AD ,Al Mahdi went into  occultation around 256/873-874. Imamis believe that will appear before the day of Judgment, to restore justice and equity on earth. Al Mahdi is their twelfth and Hidden Imam and mentions him with titles like Imam-i Asr (the Imam of the "Period") and Sahib al-Zaman (the Lord of the Age).On the basis of the available material, it can be concluded that the views of the verifiers among non-Imami scholars and Sufis about the promised Mahdi are similar to belief of Jafris, for the mystics and other Islamic schools too  respect to the virtues, attributes and the absence of Al-Mahdi. As the tranquility, equity and justice are on a diminishing mode in the modern world, May Allah hasten his appearance. Amen ( The article has been uploaded as the birthday of Imam -E-Zamana is after two days. References available on request)) Photo Courtesy- Google Images

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